Flat River Dance Company
5469 S. Greenville Rd.  
Greenville, MI 48838  

Flat River Dance Company


Dance Classes in Greenville MI

Call us at: 616.450.4461  
Email Us  






Snow White and Dancing Delights

Saturday, June 7th, 2025 @ 5pm

Greenville High School Theatre

111 N Hillcrest Greenville, MI 48838

Ticket link: https://27981.danceticketing.com/


Dress Rehearsal and Performance will be held at



Friday, June 6, 2025





2:00pm  Contemporary, Advanced Jazz, Advanced Hip Hop, Senior Solos, Advanced Ballet


3:00pm Intermediate Jazz, Intermediate Hip Hop, Intermediate Ballet


3:30pm Beginner Jazz, Intro to Hip Hop, Elementary Ballet 1, Elementary Ballet 3, Elementary Ballet 4


5:00pm  Creative Movement, Dance Fundamentals, Pre Ballet, Elementary Ballet 2


5:00 - 6:00pm Act I 


6:00 - 6:45pm Act II


6:45 - 8:00pm Act III


8:15 - 9:00pm Rerun any dance number if needed 





7:00pm or earlier     Creative Movement, Dance Fundamentals, Pre Ballet, Elementary Ballet 2


8:30pm or earlier     Intermediate Jazz, Intro to Hip Hop, Elementary Ballet 1


8:30pm or earlier     Beginner Jazz, Intermediate Ballet,  Elementary Ballet 3, Elementary Ballet 4


9:00pm or earlier    Advanced Hip Hop, Contemporary, Advanced Jazz, Intermediate Hip Hop,






Saturday, June  7th, 2025


Performance Call Times


3:00pm Doors open to the Theatre


3:15 - 4:00pm Warm Up on Stage for Advanced Ballet, Intermediate Ballet, Elementary Ballet 4, Intermediate Jazz


4:00pm Call Time Intermediate Hip Hop, Elementary Ballet 1,2,3


4:15pm Call Time Beginner Jazz, Intro to Hip Hop  


4:25 Call Time Creative Movement, Dance Fundamentals, Pre Ballet


4:30pm Doors open to the theatre


5:00pm Performance 










Please read this information carefully and in its entirety to ensure that you have all the necessary information about our upcoming winter and spring productions. Dance is a performance art and part of the dance training process includes learning through performance. It helps build self-esteem and confidence and transitions the dancer into a performing artist.

Key elements in this process are dedication to class work and commitment to rehearsals, which is the responsibility of both the dancer and their parent. Dancers often view performance as a goal and reward for all the dedication and hard work they have done in the classroom. So we've created this information available to you in effort to clarify what we need from you in terms of commitment and responsibility.

We will have flowers and concessions available for purchase prior to the performance and during intermission.

If you would like to volunteer your time to help with either the dress rehearsal or performances please email our office office@flatriverdancecompany.com.

Please sign in and out your dancer for both dress rehearsal and performances.

Only Volunteers and Staff will be allowed to be backstage and in the audience for dress rehearsal.*

Parents will be allowed backstage to help dancers on Performance Day for dancers enrolled in Pre Ballet Creative Movment, Dance Fundamentals, and Pre Ballet Classes.



*If you would like to arrive earlier, you may do so and have your dancer change into their costume at the theatre and help them with make up and hair.  If you would like to bring them to the theatre already in costume and make up, you may do this as well. The band room, choir room, and drama room for dancers to put their belongings.  The holding room will be the drama room for all dancers in Beginner Jazz , Intro to Hip Hop, Creative Movement, Dance Fundamentals, Pre Ballet, Elementary Ballet I, Elementary Ballet II, Elementary Ballet III, Elementary Ballet IV. The Boys will be in the small dressing room.  Intermediate Ballet, Advanced Ballet, Contemporary, Advanced Jazz, and Advanced Hip Hop dancers will be in the large dressing room.



Only Dancers in Advanced Ballet will be allowed to put make on and do hair in the MAKE UP ROOM.


This will be a very long day for some of you.  Please bring plenty of food, water, and snacks.  Parents you may pick up food for your dancer and drop in off at the check in desk to be delivered to your dancer.





Snow White and Dancing Delights

Make up link: https://fb.watch/prWylJ1pTz/






Hair Requirements:


Advanced Jazz:  high slick pony tail, nude jazz shoes 

Creative Movement:  Pink tights, pink ballet shoes, Hair in high bun, stage makeup
Dance Fundamentals: High Pony tail, pink tights, pink ballet shoes

Beginner jazz: high slick pony w/ hairpiece


Intermediate jazz: low slick pony with middle part


Intro to hip hop: slick high pony tail 


Intermediate hip hop: high slick pony


Advanced hip hop: hair of choice as long as most is out of your face and clean.

Prefer no half up half down styles


Contemporary: low slick bun

Advanced Ballet - High Bun, pink tights, pink ballet shoes, pointe shoes


Intermediate Ballet - High Bun, pink tights, pink ballet shoes


Pre Ballet - Angels - High Bun, pink tights, pink ballet shoes (FRDC has wings and halos)


Elementary Ballet 1 - Mother Ginger- hair parted in the middle space buns one on each side of the head, pink tights, pink ballet shoes


Elementary Ballet 2 - Lambs - Low Bun, pink tights, pink ballet shoes


Elementary Ballet 3 - Mice, low bun, pink tights, pink ballet shoes


Elementary Ballet 4 - Party Girls Hair half way up with ringlets, pink tights pink ballet shoes, Soliders Hair in low bun, pink tights, pink ballet shoes


 If you are arriving at your call time, please have your dance in costume, with make up and hair complete.  If you are arriving prior to your call time, your dancer can prepare at the theatre.  


Program Ads

This year we will be selling space in our program for you to advertise your business or to wish your dancer the best.

Personal Ad sizes are 1/4, 1/2, full page.

The Business ad sizes are 1/3, 2/3, and full.

Personal Ad Rates
One Fourth page ads are $20
On Half page ads are $35
Full Page ads are $50

Business Ad Rates
One Third page ads are $30.00
Two Thirds page ads are $50.00
Full page ads are 5 x 8 inches at $100.00
There is a detailed order form available in the lobby at the studio.

For business ad info please contact info@flatriverdancecompany.com


Ballet, pointe, pre-ballet, jazz, hip hop and contemporary dance classes


Performance Updates
As the performance nears, additional information or updates will be posted on FRDC information board and our website. Make it your responsibility to stay on top of this important information. It is our goal to keep this performance experience organized and fun for everyone. Be sure FRDC has your current email address. Extra Practice To ensure that students feel confident about their performance, we ask parents to encourage them to rehearse choreography on a regular basis. Please ask your instructor which music your dancer is using if you would like to practice with it. All of our classes, rehearse during their class time. If you are not able to attend due to a family emergency, please call and leave a message with FRDC. Backstage Volunteers. We wouldn't be able to put on this show without the generous help of our volunteers. Volunteer sign up is posted on the information board at FRDC studio. If you would like to volunteer please contact FRDC for an assignment.

We will need additional help!
E-mail: info@flatriverdancecompany.com

Tickets will be available to purchase online and at FRDC studio. Tickets will be available during th